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Corona Virus - All details | (Live)

The Rumor Of Being A Corona Patient Spread In Saharanpur District ...

Today we will disscus a imprtant tropic that is realted to Corona Virus .
We dissus all thing here step by step.

What is Corona Virus ?
(Corona word is come from latin world that is crown)
This is a disese (COVID-19)  is an infection disease caused by a newly disease.dicoverd by corona virus.

Most people infected by thi coronavirus will ezperiance mild ti modarate respiratory illness that is recover without special treatment. Older people and those with underlying medical problem like cardiovascular disease , diabetes , chronic respiratory and like meore some disease to develop the disease.

Protect by corona The higest way to protect and slow down transmisson is be well informed about the corona virus, the disease it causes and how it spread. Protect yourself and other from infection by washing your hand and also used alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face  

How corona virus increasing The corona virus spreds throught come and touch hand by infected people. It also trasmited by sneezes.

Vaccines of coronavirus All this time there are no specific vaccines or treatment for corona. However there are many outgoing clinical trial . WHO will be continus to provide updated information as soon as become available..
Recent corona is grow very fast. 
Coronavirus & COVID-19 Overview: Symptoms, Risks, Prevention ...
Now day all the doctor and other department try to make corona vaccin but they not sucess in there palan.

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